
Version 1.0.4 (Standard)

Release Date – July 18, 2024

  • Fixes – Modified license API
  • Bug – Modified disabled button/input while upload is in progress.
  • New – Added compatibility for Generate PDF for Contact Form 7.

Version 1.0.4 (Remote)

Release Date – July 18, 2024

  • Bug – Fix for buton/input disabled while upload is in progress.
  • New – Added compatibility for Generate PDF for contact form 7 plugin.
  • Tweak – Minor fixes and Improvements.

Version 1.0.3 (Remote)

Release Date – June 27, 2024

  • Updating License API, minor fixes and improvements

Version 1.0.2 (Remote)

Release Date – May 29, 2024

  • (Enhancements) Remote Storage – Optimized Google Drive request using by batch.
  • (New Features) Remote Storage – OneDrive Integration
  • (Bug Fixes)  FTP not displaying links on email
  • Added – Remove empty folder older than 1 day on all major remote storage integration except FTP.
  • Added some notes in the admin options/settings.
  • Minor fixes and Improvements
  • Fixed php possible warnings

Version 1.0.3 (Standard)

Release Date – June 2024

  • Fixed broken images in admin settings/options
  • Added some notes on the cron (admin option)
  • Minor fixes & improvements (frontend & admin)
  • Fixed possible php warnings
  • Added ‘dnd_cf7_folder_date_format‘ filter to change date format of the folder.

Version 1.0.2 (Standard)

Release Date – June 2024

  • Quick Fix – Directory Issue
  • Minor Improvement

Version 1.0.1

Release Date – May 11, 2024

Standard & Remote Version

  • New – Adding license
  • New – New version of license

Version 2.11.5

Release Date – Sep 18, 2023

  • New – Able to choose between light or dark theme
  • New – Added new option to save Form Submission/Entries

Version 2.11.4

Release Date – May 2, 2023

  • Fixes – Fixed warning message generated by session.

Version 2.11.3

Release Date – April 18, 2023

  • Fixes – Bug Fixes

Version 2.11.2

Release Date – April 12, 2023

  • Fixes – Alternative Solution For nonce (Issue with cache)
  • Fixes – Session Warning on site health

Version 2.11.1

Release Date – March 13, 2023

  • Fixes – Security Updates (Reflected Cross-Site Scripting reported by : WPScan Security)
  • Fixes – Minor changes

Version 2.11.0

Release Date – February 14, 2023

  • New – Code Optimization
  • Fixes – Security Fixes
  • Fixes – Unable to change delete icon color.
  • Fixes – Contact Form 7 Dependencies
  • Bug – Fixed disable button on submission
  • Compatibility check for latest version of Contact Form 7 & WordPress

Version 2.10.9

Release Date – July 17, 2022

  • Compatibility Check for WordPress 6.0
  • Compatibility Check for Contact Form 7 5.6
  • New – WPML & Polylang compatibility
  • New – Filter for zip files & file links
  • Bug – Fixed admin warning when installing new plugin
  • New – Add plugin settings in Plugins -> Installed Plugin-> Active

Version 2.10.8

Release Date – March 9, 2022

  • Fixed – Security Updates (Cross-Site Scripting through SVG files via remote upload)
  • Fixed – Compatibility issues with PHP version 8
  • Fixed – SVG remove icon (Changing color in admin option not reflecting)

Version 2.10.7

Release Date – October 26, 2021

  • New – Add js hook trigger event (on_success, after_deleted, in_progress)
  • Added – span/div in heading tag option
  • Bug – Remove data-type=“*” on Mobile to fix browsing files
  • Fixes – Auto delete cron not deleting files
  • New – Compatible with Advance CF7 conditional fields Pro (Repeater)
  • Optimize & Minor Changes

Version 2.10.6

Release Date – March 22, 2021

  • Improvement – Change x/delete icon to svg (remove icon moon)
  • Improvement – Add image icon on preview according to their type
  • New – Add accept file types (ie: accept=“.jpg, .png”)
  • Fixes – Zip & Save to media library
  • New – Add ZIP Name field in the admin ( Able to change zip name with tags )
  • Fixes – Fixed error log notice/warning
  • New – Combine & zip multiple fields into 1 zip file. ( “Contact -> Pro features -> Compress Files” )

Version 2.10.5

Release Date – Feb 11, 2021

  • Bug – Fixed filename for non ASCII
  • Fixes – Fixed double files on attachment
  • Added – Compatibility of the following plugins
    – Contact Form 7 Add-on – Arshid
    – Database for Contact Form 7- Ninja
    – Advanced Contact form 7 DB – Vsourz Digital

Version 2.10.4

Release Date – Jan 02, 2021

  • New – Support image preview on email
  • Improvement on Image Preview
  • Fixes – Optimized Chunks

Version 2.10.3

Release Date – November 14, 2020

  • Fixed – Image orientation on Mobile Upload.
  • Fixes – fixed {post_slug} tag on dynamic folder
  • New – Added new option to disable file deletion when submission is failed

Version 2.10.2

Release Date – November 10, 2020

  • Fixed – Issue with the filename for non English language.
  • New – Added new tags on Dynamic Folder (“{upload_field}, {post_slug}, {post_id}”).
  • New – Add new option settings for “delete”, “remove”, “of” text.
  • Added – New option to delete files immediately.
  • Added – New option to apply “File Rename” on specific form.

Version 2.10.1

Release Date – October 23, 2020

  • Bug – Fixed unable to save option on “Other Features” tab.
  • Security – Fixed XSS payload attack by changing the name of image.
  • Bug – Fixed unable to save “Upload Folder” option under “Pro Features” tab.
  • New – JS Code Optimization

Version 2.10.0

Release Date – October 9, 2020

  • New – Disable Button on Form Submission ( This will prevent multiple/duplicate submission )
  • New – Dynamic Folder Option (ie: “{username}/{cf7-field-name}/{user_id}/”)
    • Create multiple & sub directory
    • Result ( “/wpcf7_drag-n-drop_upload/john-user/glen-field-name/3” )
  • New – Able to change heading tag from H1-H6 or div & span
  • New – Added option to hide file counter.
  • New – Added new option for image preview display (Default, Column)
  • New – Color options for (Border Color, ProgressBar, Filename, Delete/Remove Icon, File Size )
  • New – Organized Plugin settings into tabs.
  • Added – New option for auto delete files. (2,3,4,5 months)
  • Fixes – Optimized Code & Enhancements
  • Fixes – ZIP Filename not showing on Flamingo Inbound Message

Version 2.0.9

Release Date – September 21, 2020

  • New – Added unique index key per chunks upload (To avoid file name conflict)
  • New – Added compatability to plugin “CF7 to Webhook”
  • Improved Security
  • Security Patch ( Removed “supported type” in POST request so other users cannot override through remote access. )
  • Bug – Fixed folder & file rename not working with cf7 select dropdown fields.

Version 2.0.8

Release Date – August 14, 2020

  • Fixed – “SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input” for chunks upload on the latest version of WordPress.
  • Improvement – Move percentage on time while “chunks upload” is on progress
  • Fixed – Enable “submit button” once the upload progress reached 100%
  • Added – Defined constant “wp_dndcf7_tmp_folder” for “/tmp_uploads” folder so you can change/override through “wp-config.php
  • New – Added compatability for “Contact Form 7 Submission” & “Multi Step – Addon for Contact form 7”
  • Added – Russian translation (Thanks to “Dan Uchvatoff “)
  • Fixed – File counter “of” not translatable.

Version 2.0.7

Release Date – June 16, 2020

  • Fixed – Reset File Data when email is (spam, failed).
  • Improvement – Security Enhancements
  • New – Disable submit button when total files size reached “max total size” limit.
  • Bug – Fixed updates.php warning undefine index.

Version 2.0.5

Release Date – June 14, 2020

  • Fixed – Multiple Drag & Drop Uploader in one form ( zipped files but not adding links in email ).
  • Fixed – Disabled button when there is an acceptance fields added.
  • Added – Able to change Zip/Archive name using Filter. (see in documentation)
  • New – Option to send links & attachment ( Added new option/settings : “Links & File Attachments” ).
  • Improvement – Code Imporovement & Optimization.


Release Date – May 26, 2020

  • Bug – Quick Fix ( Broken Link in email attachments ).

Version 2.0.3

Release Date – May 26, 2020

  • New – Added Minimum File Upload features.
  • New – Added File Upload Counter ( ie: 0 of 5 )
  • Fixed – Fatal error when selecting “Upload Folder” -> By user Option

Version 2.0.2

Release Date – May 23, 2020

  • Improved Security ( Unrestricted File Upload to Remote Code Execution )
    * Able bypass and upload file (remotely) by renaming to ie: shell.php% and modified supported_type to jpg|png|php%
  • Modify – file deletion using wp_cron job and will only run every 1 hour.
  • Able to use Contact Form 7 – Fields to amend/change File Upload name.
    ie: you field name [your-message], [your-subject] , [your-name]
    In “Change Filename” field, you can use those fields like this : {your-message} – {your-subject} – {your-name}
  • Changed – Save files to media library
    * Instead of downloading the files, will move and insert as attachment to save more time & server request. ( useful for large files )
  • Optimized Code to improved performace.
  • Removed – Crop image and use image proportion for resizing.

Version 2.0.1

Release Date – April 24, 2020

  • Fixed – Issues on “Multiple Drag n Drop” Field in One Form.
  • Fixed – Zip File Naming on Multiple File Upload.
  • Bug – Fixed Redirection when “Redirection for Contact Form 7” plugin installed.
  • Improved – Coding & Optimization

Version 2.0

Release Date – April 15, 2020

  • Important – Security Patch
  • Fixes – Unable to install other plugins.
  • Fixes – Multiple Upload Fields in one Form ( Can\’t zip files correctly ).
  • New – Support Non ASCII filename.
  • Added – CSS responsive for mobile display
  • Added – Ellipsis for long filename
  • Changed – Modified Progress Bar for better display on Mobile
  • Improved Security & Code Optimization
  • Added Instruction & Manual – PDF