Changelog WC

Version 1.6.8

  • Fixes – WooCommerce HPOS compatibility
  • Fixes – ZIP Improvements
  • Fixes – Download Files customization
  • Bug – Thumbnails was removed even the order is already completed
  • New – File attachments to email on the new order (Max 20MB only)
  • Tweak – Code optimization, Bug Fixes and Sevaral improvements.

Version 1.6.7

  • Minor Fixes
  • Added – Compatibility on WooCommerce HPOS
  • New – Added more options to display the uploader for a single product and the checkout page.

Version 1.6.6

  • Fixes – Fixed text & style color options
  • Bug – Fixed unable to zip if “Upload Folder” option contains billing name field.
  • Fixes – Css improvements for (Email order & Order Meta Data)
  • New – Added option to show “Qty” field below each filename, available on single product only.

Version 1.6.5

  • New – Improve Security (File Type Validations)

Version 1.6.4

  • Fixes – Add target “_blank” on file links.
  • New – Option to hide/show image preview/thumbnail
  • New – Option to remove/hide file counter
  • Fixes – Use base64encode on image preview initial upload.
  • Added – New filter “dndmfu_wc_pro_response” in upload response.
  • New – Able to download all files into .zip format (Orders -> Edit Order -> “Product Files” widget )
  • Bug Fixes, Enhancements

Version 1.6.3

  • Fixes – Bug fix & Minor fixes
  • Fix – Checkout validation even if there is no uploader.
  • New – Required message added on the admin “Files Upload -> Error Message”

Version 1.6.1

  • Improvement – Add fees to support decimal values
  • New – Validate Size if less than 1kb or 1000bytes
  • Modify – Change Cart display for non images “Removed filename.pdf” use WP mimetype icon
  • Bug – Chunks file even if not selected
  • New – Apply Fees on specific ( Product or Category )
  • New – Add “Total Pages(pdf)” conditional field on Fees
  • New – Color options for Text, Buttons & Upload Icon (WooCommerce->Settings->File Uploads->Text & Style)
  • New – Add Accept File Types
  • Modify – ZIP files after the order is created
  • New – Count PDF pages & set price per page on “Additional Fees” settings.
  • Modify – Add Custom Settings on individual Product Page (min & max file, file types, max file size)
  • Minor improvement ( Delete text is not visible )

Version 1.6

  • Additional Fees (charge user if there’s no file )
  • Added – New operations (multiple & addition) on Additional Fees –
  • Bug – Upload required & min file validation on Checkout.
  • Fixes – Attach files to product order.
  • Adjust – Css Styling
  • Minor Improvement

Version 1.4

  • Bug – Fixed attaching files on wrong product.
  • Fixes – Deletes one of the files and duplicates the other
  • Adjustment – Adjust time before deletion of the items removed from the cart.

Version 1.3

  • Fixed – Attaching files to wrong product.
  • New – Layout for image preview
  • Bug – Fixes.

Version 1.2

  • Fixed – Unable to save Error message in WooCommerce Settings.
  • Fixed – Conflict with “Drag & Drop File Upload – CF7”
  • Fixed – Mininum File validation.

Version 1.0

Release Date – August 25, 2020

  • Initial Release